Éthique et gouvernance de crise type Covid-19 (FR/EN)
La survenue de la pandémie liée au coronavirus, le Covid-19, et à sa pathologie virale, depuis nommée la Covid-19, ne pouvait pas être ignorée par le site Fertile Vision. Ainsi fut ouverte une rubrique « spécial Covid 19 » démontrant combien la bioéthique pouvait être une arme pour chacun d’entre nous face à la crise sanitaire mais aussi pour sa gouvernance dans notre démocratie.
La gouvernance sanitaire de crise relève d’un réseau de santé au centre duquel les soins de proximité et en cas de besoin l’hospitalisation dans des structures adaptées de sectorisation publique et privée. L’objectif de la prise en charge est double :
- curatif : diagnostiquer, associant clinique et biologie (tests PCR) et traiter
- préventif : dépister + tracer et dès que possible vacciner
La gouvernance sociale de crise singularise les priorités aux plus vulnérables, les plus fragiles (comorbidités -handicaps), les plus pauvres et les plus âgés. De même, elle sauvegarde l’éducation et la formation des jeunes. Elle renforce en tant que de besoin, la protection civile et militaire.
La gouvernance économique de crise grise priorise la préservation des emplois, des entreprises, de l’innovation et de la culture.
L’importance du débat public éclairé dans la transparence par l’expertise scientifique et technologique, ne peut que renforcer l’adhésion citoyenne au décideur politique dont la gouvernance de crise est juste, proportionnée, solidaire et compréhensible par tous.
Covid 19 type ethics and crisis governance
The occurrence of the pandemic related to Covid-19, and its viral pathology, could not be ignored by the Fertile Vision website. Thus we opened a section "special Covid 19" demonstrating how bioethics could be a weapon for everyone of us in the face of the health crisis but also for its governance in our democracy.
The various elements published during the first containment and then the deconfinement are online, the ethical approach is robust and sustainable. It explains the silence of Fertile Vision during the last 3 months, animated by controversies and skills of all kinds, in a cacophonic media coverage, which has been source of citizen fear and distrust in our rule of law.
The seasonal and mutagenic dual impact on the virus accounts for the rebounds of the epidemic as long as this "same" virus continues to circulate in the same country, from one country to another, from one hemisphere to another. As long as the virus circulates, crisis governance is required to adapt to advances in knowledge from one epidemic wave to another. The planning of anticipatory measures is based on mathematical models of epidemiology whose algorithmic results have their own limitations, on proportionate health precaution, aware of its social and economic limitations, on the constitutional respect for the executive, legislative and judicial powers of any democracy subject to the test of a disaster whether or not of natural origin.
The chart below illustrates is an updated illustration of the place of ethics founding principles of human rights, of the taking into consideration of the characteristics and environment of a democracy,the necessary balance of crisis governance based on expertise, transparency and communication with its triple health, social and economic orientation.
Crisis health governance is the responsibility of a health network at the centre of which local care and, if necessary, hospitalization in suitable public and private structures. The goal of sanitary care is twofold:
- curative: diagnosing combining clinical and biology (PCR testing) and treating
- preventive: screening, tracing and vaccinating as soon as possible
Crisis social governance singles out the priorities for the most vulnerable, the most frait (comorbidities-handicaps), the poorest and the oldest. It also safeguards the education and training of young people. It strengthens civil and military protection as needed.
Crisis economic governance prioritizes the preservation of jobs, enterprises, innovation and culture.
The importance of transparent public debate enlightened through scientific and technological expertise, can only strengthen citizen buy-in support to the political decision-maker whose crisis governance is respectful of the principles of justice, proportionality, solidarity and also understandable to all.
- sécurité sociale
- fertilité
- personnes âgées
- pandémie Covid19
- demandes sociétales de PMA
- maternité partagée
- equity of access
- levée de l'anonymat du tiers donneur
- catégories professionnelles
- demande sociétale
- pénurie
- conditions d'âge
- législateur
- don de gamètes
- accès aux origines
- filiation
- loi de bioéthique
- Agence de la biomédecine
- Covid19
- différences générationnelles
- argumentaires pour et contre
- tests
- solidarity
- débat public
- couples de femmes
- tiers donneur
- primauté de la personne
- solidarité
- bioéthique